Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay Paper

Holistic care is an all-inclusive nursing practice to a patient that examines the emotional, spiritual, social, psychological, and physical needs of a whole individual for healthy living, recovery, and life balance (Zamzadeh et al., 2015). This concept’s principles provide a broader awareness of the patient’s attention and needs in all aspects and ultimately add value to the patient’s recovery and sense of achievement. Care approaches that enhance a patient’s healing include counseling, education, communication, and medications as needed Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay Paper.


Counseling is needed in this case to assist the patient gain transpersonal learning by sharing past experiences collectively. By sharing the experience of losing my mother six months ago will impart faith and hope in the patient. Additionally, relationship counseling is crucial to healing her social and emotional issues with her spouse. She will be able to pursue emotional solutions to her marital issues through counseling. Educating patients is essential in implementing care. It entails teaching a patient in self-help and self-care. The purpose of education is to help the patient appreciate, accept, and embrace both their sad and happy emotions for self-acceptance (Jasemi et al., 2017). It also instills awareness on issues relating to her health and that of the child, as well as the appropriate steps to ensure a healthy life. It is essential to create a bond with the patent by communication Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay Paper.

This involves information sharing, incorporating transparency, reciprocity, and compassion. In this case, this would be implemented by sharing about losing our mothers in the near past and physically and genuinely available to the patient. A built connection brings hope and faith, shows kindness and love, creates trust, and shows empathy to the patient’s feelings. Providing correct medication will help fix the recovery of the patient’s body. Medication can take the form of drug dispensation for a particular condition or the form of mind-body medication, aiming to enhance the interaction among behavior, body, mind, and the brain. This entails behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and physiotherapy, which aim at solving the patient’s tire and sore feeling.

Conclusively, counseling, patient education, communication, and medication can handle the patient’s issue, spiritual, psychological, social, emotional, or physical. Solving all these issues will assist the overall healing of the patient and ultimately ensure healthy living and life balance, which is the main aim of holistic care Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay Paper.


Jasemi, M., Valizadeh, L., Zamanzadeh, V., & Keogh, B. (2017). A Concept analysis of holistic care by hybrid model. Indian journal of palliative care23(1), 71.

Zamanzadeh, V., Jasemi, M., Valizadeh, L., Keogh, B., & Taleghani, F. (2015). Effective factors in providing holistic care: a qualitative study. Indian journal of palliative care21(2), 214.


Week 7: Discussion Question 1 – Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing Discussion Topic Task: Reply to this topic Points: 20 | Due Date: Week 7, Day 3 & 7 | CLO: 4 | Grade Category: Discussions Discussion Prompt: Holistic care refers to approaches and interventions that address the needs of the whole person: body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Consider the following case study: You are caring for a first-time mother in a health clinic. While assessing the woman, you notice she is becoming visibly upset. When you ask, she notes that her mother, with whom she was very close, died last year and that she really would have loved to have shared this pregnancy with her. You empathize with the patient, as your own mother just died 6 months ago. She also notes that she and her partner have been bickering a lot lately on top of her feeling generally sore, tired, and overwhelmed. Define holistic care in your own words. Describe four ways you can implement a holistic nursing approach to care and facilitate healing. In addition, you may consider the intersection of holistic care and caritas principles from Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science from Week 1. Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing Essay Paper